Trend | Chunky Sneakers
The newest shoe trend in fashion land appears to be the 'chunky sneaker', or the term that I prefer to use: 'the grandpa sneaker'. Although I need to mention the fact that I don't think my grandpa would wear this trend, he's not the sporty type and prefers cognac and brown coloured shoes.
I on the other hand kinda love this new trend. A lot of people don't, like my best friend, boyfriend and parents, but I do. I wouldn't spend tons of money on this kind of sneakers but when I found the perfect dupes, I couldn't resist.
It was the brand Balenciaga that came up with the trend that has also been in style in the sixties or seventies I think, at least when my parents were still young, which must have been a quite long time ago (#sorrynotsorry mom and dad for the not so kind words).
The shoe which you can see below are the original ones from Balenciaga.
Price: 650€
I personally think this is quite a lot for a pair of sneakers, definitely because no one can say how long this trend will last. When you think about the Alexander McQueen platform sneakers costing 395€, I personally think those are cheap, knowing it's such a basic sneaker.
But back to the grandpa sneaker trend.
I found the perfect dupes of the Balenciagas on Public Desire, also know as my favourite online webshop for cheap but sooo damn comfy fashionable shoes.
Aren't these like exact? Except for the name Balenciaga at the side, the shoe size that is missing out on top and the slightly discoloration of the black colour, this sneaker is considered the best dupe you can ever imagine.
Definitely worth mentioning is the incredible price offf... dum dum dum... 34,99£ or 41,99€.
Crazy right? If you go for this pair of sneakers, then you have about 608€ left to buy other things.
My mom hates these sneakers because she says that I have already enough sneakers and she thinks they look horrible. She wanted me to send them back but I obviously kept them.
I have worn them several times over the past weekend, like to go on a rainy hike and to go clubbing and they are the most comfortable sneakers ever, like Nike move over.
I can't find the exact pair on Public Desire but these, these (even considering buying these as well) and these are pretty cool too.
By the way: I know I give a lot of good compliments on Public Desire in this blogpost but you guys have to know that this content is not at all sponsored by the brand and that everything that I'm saying is true.
I on the other hand kinda love this new trend. A lot of people don't, like my best friend, boyfriend and parents, but I do. I wouldn't spend tons of money on this kind of sneakers but when I found the perfect dupes, I couldn't resist.
It was the brand Balenciaga that came up with the trend that has also been in style in the sixties or seventies I think, at least when my parents were still young, which must have been a quite long time ago (#sorrynotsorry mom and dad for the not so kind words).
The shoe which you can see below are the original ones from Balenciaga.
Price: 650€
I personally think this is quite a lot for a pair of sneakers, definitely because no one can say how long this trend will last. When you think about the Alexander McQueen platform sneakers costing 395€, I personally think those are cheap, knowing it's such a basic sneaker.
But back to the grandpa sneaker trend.
I found the perfect dupes of the Balenciagas on Public Desire, also know as my favourite online webshop for cheap but sooo damn comfy fashionable shoes.
Aren't these like exact? Except for the name Balenciaga at the side, the shoe size that is missing out on top and the slightly discoloration of the black colour, this sneaker is considered the best dupe you can ever imagine.
Definitely worth mentioning is the incredible price offf... dum dum dum... 34,99£ or 41,99€.
Crazy right? If you go for this pair of sneakers, then you have about 608€ left to buy other things.
My mom hates these sneakers because she says that I have already enough sneakers and she thinks they look horrible. She wanted me to send them back but I obviously kept them.
I have worn them several times over the past weekend, like to go on a rainy hike and to go clubbing and they are the most comfortable sneakers ever, like Nike move over.
I can't find the exact pair on Public Desire but these, these (even considering buying these as well) and these are pretty cool too.
By the way: I know I give a lot of good compliments on Public Desire in this blogpost but you guys have to know that this content is not at all sponsored by the brand and that everything that I'm saying is true.